Select Super Brillant has provided outstanding on-field performance over past three seasons

TAMPA, Fla. – The USL Championship and its official match ball provider, Select, revealed today its new Select Super Brillant match ball for the 2021 Championship season.
The Select Super Brillant has been the official ball of the Championship since the 2018 season and has provided high-level performance for the Championship’s clubs since its introduction. All league balls for the new season will have a new gold, black and turquoise design, and will be embossed with the Championship’s logo.
“The partnership between the USL and Select has gone from strength to strength over the past three seasons,” said USL President Jake Edwards. “The Select Super Brillant has provided outstanding consistency to our players on the field. We look forward to many more great performances by our players and teams as they compete for the chance to claim victory in the USL Championship Final this year.
The Super Brillant features a Zero-Wing bladder made of high-performance latex, a concept that has been developed to ensure that both the ball and the bladder remain as round as possible. The ball – which also serves as the official ball of the German Bundesliga – also incorporates a built-in balance point at the opposite side of the valve hole, which helps ensure a perfectly balanced ball with a very lively bounce.
Additionally, the 32-panel design of the ball is lined with several layers of textile material, which helps to adjust the softness and stabilize the panels to ensure the ball retains its perfect shape. The ball’s outer layer is made of synthetic leather in polyurethane, with the two surfaces of the cover combining to provide a strong material with consistent softness.